Response Activities
֍ COVID-19 has impacted aid workers across the globe in new and complex ways on the line to help others during an unprecedented global pandemic. WE-Action has modified implementation strategy that has been set up through (Increasing frequency, availing PP Equipment, keeping physical distancing, downsizing internal loan criteria along with stretched loan repayment time)
֍ A total of 1277 (Female=1228) people including staff have received Personal Protective Materials such as Face Masks, Sanitizers, Alcohol & Soaps. All staffs at HO and field levels received PPE and working materials for HO staffs working from Home.
֍ Transportation service for Head Office staffs arranged from/to home & office
֍ 40044 (Female=16729) community members received radio messages/information on COVID 19 prevention and protection.
֍ 8 hand washing stands have been built to serve minimum of 12800 people in their communities
֍ Financial support (Purchasing of fuel) for Local government partners provided for operations against COVID 19 pandemic

WSA Key Results of 2018


680 SHGs mobilized a total of ETB 8,367,276

ETB 6,695,197 provided for 9,366 SHGs members as Revolving fund

ETB 849,803.28 provided for 67 CLAs as a revolving fund

428 SHG members provided 308 small ruminants and 1000 poultry’s

ETB 180,000.00 supported for 67(49/F) youths with vocational skill trainings

ETB 1,500,174.18 supported for 260(4/M) members of 26 Women Lead sustainable energy enterprise

159 women constructed and practiced key hole gardining

9,366 Women enagaged in diffrent vaible IGAs

Functional Adult literacy classes

WSA Key Results of 2018

Enabling Environment for Women’s and Girls’ Participation

69 Community Action Groups established and supporting the vulnerable women

31 Community Conversation groups established and conducting sessions periodically

19,109(13,041/F) community members attended 1,124 family dialogue sessions

91,847(46,544/F) community members attended 252 Community campaign

24 Role model husband received recognition

125 spot local radio program conducted and reached an estimation of 1.3million community members

71 of youth clubs established and supported

Safe school environment created

4,250 package sanitary napkin were purchased and distributed for 10,194 school girls

WSA Key Results of 2018


680 SHGs with 13,067 members established and strengthened

60 CLAs established and supported

4 federations established and constructed IGA center

22,752 women attended Functional Adult Literacy program in 70 centers

420 Students attended tutorial class

WSA Key Results of 2018

Women and Environmental Friendly Technologies

25 Improved Cooking Stove production and marketing groups with 252 women members established and supported

2 Solar shopping group’s with 20(2/M) established and supported

291 solar lanterns provided for 291 target women and girls

156 women supported with improved mango and papaya seedling

20 Natural Resource Management strengthened

2,285 farmers supported climate adaptive seed varieties

2 hectare of degraded land rehabilitated with 10,0000 tree seedlings